Eventually Rubaini embarked, Sep 23 Fri, ca. 2300 hrs, by MAS, via Paris, to Nottingham, United Kingdom, for her PhD under the aegis of KUIM staff training programme; the step in a path very close to mine more than thirty years ago, with her already a baby part in it. She thus either extended it, or at least repeat it to maintain. That is the beauty of putting the benefit of the doubt to the fate. She was, like Malini and partly Zidni, even better than me: they embarked alone.

As always, the kicking started with Darul Izzah boarders to share our gratefulness: Aug 27 Sat night; the end of the school break. Ustaz Idris, who I caught 'red handed', led the payer.

Then Sep 23 Fri night; to KLIA, every one accompanied, including Alyani (on special permision from Puan Zuraidah, the SESERI Pengetua, and Syarbini, on scheduled home weekend); and PakJo and family; and needless to mention, daughter Arifah, and hubby Edi. Both to join later, waiting for the latter's leave.


From here and beyond,

The waiting was like that of the Spirit and the Opportunity,

More and more in the quest,

2006 Feb 19 Sun, Ifah and Abi traced the route,

Arrived, and reunited, 2006 Feb 20 Mon, near noon local time (near sun set home time);

And instantly made up what she 'had lost';

The next day always a day after the day before;

Six months on;

2006 Aug 17, Aged Two;